Almost everyone who raises chickens for meat chooses Cornish cross, because they mature quickly with great feed conversion. The Ultimate Quail Feed Guide, Backyard Chickens: A Practical Handbook to Raising Chickens. Thanks for sharing. Make sure your coop offers protection from predators, especially when your chickens are young. If you live rural, you're more likely to have less laws. Over the years, she amassed a wealth of homesteading knowledge, knowledge that you can find in the articles of this blog. When they are on excessively wet, caked, or dirty litter or ground, they can develop breast blisters. Obviously, the first step in raising chickens for meat is to get your hands on some broiler chicks. It leads to permanent lameness if left untreated. As for what to feed meat chickens, a higher protein food is needed. help—I just purchased a few acres and would like to have chickens. I have NEVER raised one since! How Many Chickens Should I Keep? I was surprised to read how they’re classified by weight and are butchered so young. Processing Time: 16-20 weeks. We get the production red which is an older variety that take longer to raise up, but without the health problems of the modern bird. How to heat meat chicks. Don’t think that you can just go out back to your laying hen’s chicken coop and stick a few of those in the roasting pan, either. There are a wide a variety of chicken breeds, developed for egg production, meat production or good looks. Chicks require a minimum of … Where you get your chicks from is your decision – but know that the type of bird that you get is very, very important. Or, if you are feeling particularly enterprising, you can purchase hatching eggs from a local source and try to incubate your own baby chicks! In addition to a dust bath, you should make sure that your chickens are given ample shade. We were hoping for … We have added pennies to the watering bases to encourage them to peck at the shiny objects and drink more. oh my! Step 1 – Purchase baby broiler chicks. With this amount, you’ll always have a steady supply of eggs… foot of space per bird. You did a great job describing the details of the process. Thanks for sharing this info. We also noted that they were MUCH more expensive to feed even though we had them on pasture and feed. Because they gain weight so quickly, they spend a lot of time laying on their breasts. While this is a natural part of homesteading, you need to make sure that it’s something that you, personally, can handle before you jump into the endeavor. This means at least once a day, twice when it’s hotter outside. To avoid the blisters, and losing that part of the meat at processing, make sure they have clean ground and/or litter to lay on. Wow- I have always wanted to raise chickens for eggs and meat. Regular chick starter has 18% protein. In some cases, meat birds can also suffer from early heart failure. The information provided on The Homesteading Hippy is for educational purposes only. Providing a sprinkler, plenty of water and shade will keep them cool. Approximate Weight: 7 lbs. How to Raise Chickens: Flock Size, Spacing, and Start-Up Cost. They are a bit fragile, especially in the beginning, but their fast growth rate makes them much more economical. How to Start From Day-Old Chicks. Heat source: Chickens require a reliable heat source, such as a heat lamp. Basically, they stop being able to walk because their bodies are too heavy for their small legs to carry them. So in depth for a chicken! We raise our own meat and also layer chickens. We’ve butchered a few dual purpose chickens before (probably too late) that were problem chickens and found the meat was rubbery and that there wasn’t much of it. But by Christmas they sure tasted a lot better! It can be dealt with in the same ways you would prevent lameness in a flock of meat birds. See the complete list of chicken breeds for meat here. Waiting longer than 8 weeks to process the birds can lead to some issues such as heart attacks and broken legs. We processed both at the recommended times but we swore we would never do the reds again. Other meat chickens breeds are White Mountains or Red Rangers. This is one of the tricks in how to make a broiler chicken grow faster. Do they have a walk in cooler and is it clean? From bringing your chicks home for the first time to putting eggs on the table, we’ve got it all covered. My parents just bought them and the feed and it was up to me and my younger brother to do the rest. Raising Meat Chickens Is All About Priorities. The USDA allows on-farm slaughter in many cases without requiring inspection for this type of animal, so you can often get away with butchering your own chickens even if you plan to sell them to someone else (be sure to look up local laws, too, though, to make sure you are compliant). Raising chickens for meat, such as roaster chickens, or raising broilers from start to finish is the same process, regardless of the breed. We felt the flavor, cost and difficulty of processing them (the reds) was not worth it. Do they charge for keeping the heart, gizzards, and livers for you? All rights reserved. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. A major benefit of raising your chickens in a chicken tractor is that they are always on fresh ground so there is no need to control for parasites or other illnesses. The reason for this is that as they grow larger, your chickens’ legs won’t be quite as strong as they used to be – you don’t want them to break their legs hopping off the roost. The Basics of Raising Meat Chickens. Be sure to pin this for later! This chicken breed grows out quickly, and while they can be prone to some health issues, you can avoid these by maintaining a good butchering calendar. It won’t be uncommon to have to move a free ranging pen several times a day during the last two weeks of their lives. Copyright © 2020 Kids did the work while If you see reference to a bantam bird, that is a small version of any particular breed. They will weigh in at 3.5-5 pounds when they are processed, or butchered, and that is usually around 6 weeks of age. I recommend starting these chicks out on a high quality high protein (22%) meat bird feed. Then, they can be switched over to an 18% protein grower feed. Give each a quick once-over, looking for bright eyes, red comb and wattles, steady gait, and shiny feathers—all signs of a healthy hen. Your email address will not be published. You get some chicks, raise them to slaughtering size, process them or get them processed, and sell them, right? Additionally, the germs can be found on the hands, shoes, and clothing of those who handle the birds or work or play where they live and roam. Raising chickens for meat on pastureland provides entertainment and a superior dining experience to flavorless supermarket fowl. 100 years ago chickens used to … Either you can do it yourself, or you can take them to someone and have them do it for you. We always get our meat birds early or late in the season to avoid the heat issue. I would offer the advice that you would want to try and visit 2-3 times a week, have multiple waterers that hold several gallons each as well as multiple feeders. A big issue that can come about with raising chickens for meat is breast blisters and bumble foot. Chickens that are only feed chicken feed have to be provided something like oyster shell which not only helps with their digestion but also provides calcium which helps them form hard egg shells… A good option, if you are pressed for time, is just to provide free access to feed. Check if your backyard is big enough to keep the chickens. It sounds easy, but organizing your chicken … Most places will have the cages to put them in, and if you ask, will let you take the cages home to put the birds in to return to them. We slacked of this time on the feeding instructions an we paid for it in chicken losses. My son is in FFA so we let him do meat chickens this year. This can prevent things like chicken lice and chicken mites and it will also keep your chickens cooler in the hot days of summer. I grew up raising them for meat though . After a week, feed your chickens 12 hours on (free-choice) and 12 hours off. You can pluck your birds by hand, but it takes a very long time to do and can get tedious if you are processing a lot of birds. Unfortunately I had a very abusive childhood. If I had the land I’d love to raise my own food. Once you have made your appointment, and are satisfied with the place, the process is pretty simple. With the exception of different feed and time spent, raising chickens for meat is not that different than raising chickens for meat and eggs. He was 14 and Many cities have … I don’t think I could ever raise and eat one…but I’m glad someone does . Many people assume that these chickens are GMO – this is not true. I was wondering, what did you feed your birds? we live in town and made a good size run and bought coops for inside the run. plucking, dressing, cooking those chickens that I could barely stand to eat one! Since meat birds grow out so quickly, you have more housing options than you would if you were raising a flock of laying hens to be kept throughout the entire season. I recommend putting the water on the other side of the chicken pen. These chickens are Cornish Cross. Meat chickens should be fed a 20% protein chick starter during their first 3 weeks of life. I was 17 when I left home. foot of space per bird until processing time. How to choose the perfect breed of chicken for you- including our top 5 beginner picks. Chicken tractors are portable chicken housing that can be moved around on pasture in your back lawn. I am impressed with your system- it seems like it’s not as difficult as I first thought. We raise chickens, but only for eggs. Do your research on the breed so that you will know exactly when it needs to be slaughtered. This way, they will form lean muscle instead of tons of fat -which is what you want in a meat chicken. What Exactly Is a Broody Hen and How to Stop It? This is a great article. the meat birds get a feed called “meat maker” that is higher in protein than the regular layer feed, Great tips and info! It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health issues you may have with your physician. If you use litter for the flooring, it should be maintained to a depth that is dry and fluffy, somewhere around 6 inches deep. I’ve done the math before and figured out that raising meat chickens saves us personally about 40-50 cents per whole chicken … If you can get them processed before this, or three weeks after, you shouldn’t have any problems. Do you raise chickens for meat? You will want to plan for about 10 to 15 lbs of feed per bird from chick to market weight. We have also noted that we have had very few health problems with the Cornish X as long as we follow the hatchery’s instructions very closely. It works wonders and your thawed meat when you go to eat it later on will be incredibly juicy and tender. It is important to keep in mind that live poultry at any age may have Salmonella germs in their droppings and on their bodies (feathers, feet, and beaks) even when they appear healthy and clean. To raise enough chicken for your entire family for the entire year, you are going to have to have a lot of birds – that means a lot of poop, and it means you are going to have to slaughter the chickens eventually. While it’s tempting to want to feed your chickens at all hours of the night, pulling their food during the evening hours can reduce lameness if you have this concern. They will need a place to sleep up and off the ground (disregard this, of course, if your chickens are in a chicken tractor) and these roost bars shouldn’t be quite as high as they might be if you were raising laying chickens. You may have to change it two times a day the last two weeks as well. Placing a light yard sprinkler by the waterers will give them a “shower” as they get a drink. What breed of boilers or roaster chickens would you like to try? If you are wondering how long do you raise meat chickens, the answer is “depends on how big you want them.” Broilers and roaster chickens are the exact same breed, and the only difference is their weight. You can purchase these from your local farm store or you can order them online and have them shipped to you. However, if you want to do it yourself, processing the birds yourself is also a possibility. Raising Meat in Batches. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thanks for the info. . 44 Beautiful DIY Chicken Coop Plans You Can Actually Build, Beginner’s Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens, Chicken Nesting Boxes 101 and 13 Best DIY Plans, The Definitive Guide to Chicken Tractors and 13 Free DIY Plans, 10 Breeds of Chicken That Will Lay Lots of Eggs for You, 7 Reasons Why Your Chickens Stopped Laying Eggs. When I raise … This is one of the major benefits of a chicken tractor – on a particularly hot day, you can move them to a shady location under a tree, but if It’s cold, you can put them out in the sunlight. A second popular choice is red rangers or freedom rangers. Processing the birds yourself can be tricky, but once you get the hang of it is easy. If you can provide them with 2-3 sq. This video shows the whole process of raising meat chickens. Required fields are marked *. If the food is there, and they can see it, they will eat. Thank you for this post. Do they have a hand washing sink by the processing place and is it stocked with soap and towels? Ours were 8 weeks old and when I weighed a big one that morning, he weighed 9 pounds. You will transport your live birds to them, and pick them up when they are done, usually the next day. For example, you will need some very sharp knives, a large pot for scalding or a scalding machine, and a chicken plucker. People become infected with Salmonella when they put their hands or other t… Thanks. The germs can also get on cages, coops, hay, plants, and soil in the area where the birds live and roam. And NO my parents did not do ANY of it. If you plan on butchering your own chickens on the farm, you will want to have some standard equipment on hand. Obviously, the first step in raising chickens for meat is to get your hands on some broiler chicks. My grandparents raised chickens and the best tasting chicken I’ve ever had was at their house when I was a kid. feet of space per bird, they will have much more room to move around, and the floor will stay cleaner and drier. Remember, if your chickens don’t have water, they will be less likely to eat – you need to make sure they have plenty of fresh, clean water to help them prevent dehydration and to encourage them to eat on the hottest days of summer. I had only read about chickens kept for eggs. that might be hard to do in the summer, depending on climate. Our family raises 150 meat birds each year, and we will can and freeze the meat to eat throughout the rest of the year. You have a few options in terms of how you set up your chicken housing. But I will tell you that if you are doing it yourself, it can be messy. They will need to consume feed in order to gain weight. You can’t beat the taste and the fact that they are better for you is a huge plus. You will also want to know in advance what their prices are for the whole bird, and to have them cut it up for you in pieces. They will get blisters on their feet, and in many cases will no longer be able to walk. this particular breed (for meat only) would be hard to actually breed for the average homesteader (like me) I haven’t found any info on that myself. Heather’s homesteading journey started in 2006, with baby steps: first, she got a few raised beds, some chickens, and rabbits. We also like to use our own chicken feed recipe that I created after reading, The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable. You can use tarps, even, to suit this purpose, as long as your birds are protected against predators. The amount of food they need each week could quickly vary week to week as well. When it comes time to slaughter, or process, you have a couple of options. Remember to bring a cooler or two with you to take your meat home in. We have been raising chickens for meat for 5 years, and I’ve built a blog about that, this is the great info I’ve read, thanks for sharing , Your email address will not be published. Here are some good broiler breeds to consider for your farm: As I mentioned, we went with Cornish Cross chickens. My question is have you processed both types and did you find a difference? If you can, go inspect the place before you take your birds there. The set up for raising meat chickens is no different than the egg laying varieties – they need a brooder, heat lamp for warmth, feed/water, and a coop. Breast blisters can easily lead to a loss of that meat. Erin S. I have a question about your experience with the red ranger type meat birds. Raising meat chickens is a very exciting, interesting, and rewarding experience. Raising chickens is also fairly easy, especially if you have the space to let them free range, so if meat-production is what you’re most interested in here are some of the best breeds to consider: The Cornish Cross and related hybrids are a very popular breed of broiler chicken. I really enjoyed this article & have bookmarked your blog so I can come back & read more! Where you get your chicks from is your decision – but know that the type of bi… Some broiler breeds of chicken have a tendency to be extremely lazy – if you have food and water on two opposite ends of the pen, this will force them to get up every now and then. You can raise your meat chickens in a house with a small run attached. This isn’t a lot of space – but they are going to grow rapidly. Bumble foot is when the ammonia from the manure gets on their feet, and they have no way to get it off. What to feed them for optimal health and egg laying, including if you’re on a tight budget. Similar to the issue mentioned above, this is caused when the small hearts and lungs of the bird simply can’t keep up with the rapid growth rate of the rest of the body. Check for cleanliness of the place itself, the equipment, and check the sinks. 100 chicks…oh man by the time summer was over I was always sick of feeding, killing, Freeze the chicken immediately after butchering it, and it will be tough and stringy when you go to eat it. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I know the chicken would taste much better than what I get in the store. When you butcher a chicken, it will begin going into the process of rigor mortis almost immediately. Keeping chickens may not be an option in your area, or there might be some strict rules to abide by. They can be ordered from your local farm supply store, or online. I live on ten acres and could potentially raise … Waterers: Chickens … Bresse. I’m not much into raising birds for meat because I can get them so cheaply from the farmers in my area but it’s good to know how to do it in case we change our minds , This is a great introductory tutorial! I had no idea what raising chickens for meat was all about. Most meat chickens … Roaster chickens for meat, or broilers need a feed that is 21% protein to gain weight properly. It will look the … My parents did this EVERY spring. There are also mobile chicken butchering facilities that sometimes handle this for you. I have a tendency to turn any animal into a pet, and we don’t eat our pets. Your feed bills will be dramatically lower, since the birds can forage, and the upfront costs to build a chicken tractor tend to be a lot less than those involved in building or buying a fixed-location coop. . B.T.W., we have designed a large pen that would be snake, coyote and an occassional bobcat proof. This is pretty awesome! You will want to refresh their water on a regular basis. Most of the 4H members will now have their projects taken in to be processed. Raising chickens for meat, either as broilers or roaster chickens is one way to be assured of the quality of chicken you are feeding your family. Chickens are inexpensive to start with and even a beginner can quickly learn how to raise … I suspect that a chicken is the only type of animal I’d be able to raise for meat. Having constant access to clean water is a key to bird health. Many farmers do this to encourage their birds to eat. I am so sorry that you had such a hard childhood! Just make sure you give your birds some access to outsides pace. Wear old clothes, and have a LARGE pot of boiling water at the ready before you start. A good way to avoid this is by putting it in the refrigerator to “age” for a few days before you package and freeze it. I wish I knew someone who did this so I could buy the meat from them! Love a few ideas–mike. 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