is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. lead up to. "Somnambulism," however, is too vague and undefined a term for our present discussion. Read on to learn that led is the correct word. See Synonyms at guide. 2. The word lead is not the past tense of lead.It is a gross mistake to say: 12. In this use, "lead" means to guide or cause a person to get into trouble. 271 synonyms for lead: go in front (of), head, be in front, be at the head (of), walk in front (of), guide, conduct, steer, escort, precede, usher, pilot.... What are synonyms for lead? ENGLISH DICTIONARY; SYNONYMS; TRANSLATE; GRAMMAR . 271 synonyms for lead: go in front (of), head, be in front, be at the head (of), walk in front (of), guide, conduct, steer, escort, precede, usher, pilot.... What are synonyms for lead? is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. – “lead”, as a noun, can define the winning position in a … Lead definition, to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort: to lead a group on a cross-country hike. Led: An Overview Many writers think that the word lead is pronounced to rhyme with red and is used as the past tense or past participle of the verb lead (pronounced leed).They are wrong. – “lead” can also refer to controlling something, whether it’s a business, a group of people, a country or a situation. Led is the correct way to spell the past tense of lead. Antonyms for brings about. 2 talking or a talk between two or more people. workshop. Here’s a list of words that can take the place of leader. Understand to lead a discussion meaning and enrich your vocabulary What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? In each case, the earliest published name is called the senior synonym, while the later name is the junior synonym. Understand lead meaning and enrich your vocabulary Now is probably as good a time as any to start a business. b. verb 1. Ein anderes wort für spearhead: lead, head, pioneer, launch, set off | Collins Englischer Thesaurus Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Mr. A., who is sometimes aggressive in manner, brought the matter in discussion to a pretty point at once. Define lead to. 1. 50 Synonyms for “Leader” By Mark Nichol. discussions around the watercooler at work. “Lead” can be a present tense verb that can mean “to guide,” “to direct operations,” or “to go through.” It rhymes with “seed.” Examples: It’s your turn to lead the discussion in our conversation class. Prenez le temps de vérifier ma modification. very-14.0%. Define lead. 10. to go at the head of or have the top position in (something): he leads his class in geography. control. To guide or direct in a course: lead a horse by the halter. Discussion definition, an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate. Change your default dictionary to American English. Sauter à la navigation Sauter à la recherche. To show the way to: conduct, direct, escort, guide, pilot, route, shepherd, show, steer, usher. to conduct or escort: lead them out; a heavy bluish-gray metal Not to be confused with: led – past tense of lead: He led them along the path. Lire; Modifier le wikicode ; Voir l’historique; Plus. Whether they said any thing by way of discussion I do not know—at any rate, it did not alter Tidy's determination. Die Methode läuft typischerweise in vier Phasen ab: Identifikation wichtiger Markttrends; Identifikation von Lead Usern; Workshop zur Entwicklung innovativer Produktkonzepte mit den Lead Usern ; Projektion der Ergebnisse auf einen größeren Markt; Diese Form … GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; WORD OF THE DAY; WORDS AT PLAY. Another word for conversation: talk, exchange, discussion, dialogue, tête-à-tête | Collins English Thesaurus Find more ways to say lead-in, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ing, leads Synonyms for discussion. lead. pick up. See more. A metallic element, atomic no. Learn more. Synonyms and related words +-To be in charge. lead something away from something: She kept trying to lead the conversation away from personal matters. 38 synonyms for discuss: talk about, consider, debate, review, go into, examine, argue about, thrash out, ventilate, reason about, exchange views on.... What are synonyms for discuss? 19 synonyms of forum from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 31 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Archon: one who presides (informal), or a chief magistrate in Athens in classical times 3. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . Administrator: a person with short-term or long-term responsibility — in the latter sense, usually a generic term; also, one given responsibility over an estate 2. consultation. (especially in sports or other…. Après la loi Sapin II de 2016 et la loi de 2018 sur la lutte contre la fraude, la France est prête à prendre le lead européen de la lutte anti-corruption. lead, extend, or afford access 1; cause something to pass or lead somewhere 1; be ahead of others; be the first 1; A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. lead to synonyms, lead to pronunciation, lead to translation, English dictionary definition of lead to. very-10.9%. Another word for rap: hit, strike, knock, crack, tap | Collins English Thesaurus (2) conduct, escort, guide, pilot, precede, show the way, steer, usher, cause, dispose, draw, incline, induce, influence, persuade, prevail, prompt, command, direct, govern, head, manage, preside over, supervise, be ahead (of), blaze a trail, come first, exceed, excel, outdo, outstrip, surpass, transcend, experience, have, live, pass, spend, undergo, bring on, cause, conduce, contribute, produce, result in, serve, tend, advance, advantage, cutting edge, edge, first place, margin, precedence, primacy, priority, start, supremacy, van, vanguard, direction, example, guidance, leadership, model, clue, guide, hint, indication, suggestion, tip, trace, leading role, principal, protagonist, star part, title role, chief, first, foremost, head, leading, main, most important, premier, primary, prime, principal, begin, commence, get going, get under way, inaugurate, initiate, kick off, open, set out, start, start the ball rolling, beguile, deceive, draw on, entice, inveigle, lure, seduce, string along, approach, intimate, introduce, make advances, make overtures, pave the way, prepare for, prepare the way, work round to, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus. Some common synonyms of lead are engineer, guide, pilot, and steer. I intend to lead a better life now. Synonymes to discuss dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais, définition, voir aussi 'discussion',disc',discourse',disuse', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Search to lead a discussion and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. “Yesterday, they lead us astray.” Here’s a quickie. When to use lead or led Synonym Discussion of lead. Lead can mean to go in a particular direction (by way of following something). analysis. 2. - 161 chatbot synonyms . snowflake. It is the conductor’s job to lead the orchestra. begin. Lead : Synonym: ICSD 64808 : PDF 4-686 : Plumbum : Lead Image: Images: Lead. Definition and synonyms of lead to from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. I asked Ned to lead the discussion. (also dialog), 8.6%. . 1. leads. (Classical Music) music. SINCE 1828. Antonyms for discuss. prendre le lead \pʁɑ̃dʁ lə lid\ (se conjugue → voir la conjugaison de prendre) Prendre l’ initiative d’une action collective, mener un groupe. Define leads. ... families, orders, etc. See also main entry: lead See also main entry: lead Thesaurus Trending Words. To be a channel or conduit for (water or electricity, for example). (foll by: with) to have as the first or principal item: the newspaper led with the royal birth. start. … The words "lead" vs. "led" are particularly tricky: Sometimes they sound alike and sometimes they don't. a. Brit to play first violin in (an orchestra) b. Whenever there was a dance he and I led off. Synonyme. Synonyms for lead in Free Thesaurus. lead; guide; direct; point the direction; preside; command; glaze with lead; moderate; chair; conduct; precede; head; take; contribute; conduce; leave; result; extend; run; go; pass; top Synonym(s): plumbum lead (lēd), An electrocardiographic cable with connections within the electronics of the machine designated for an electrode placed at a particular point on the body surface. Synonyms for discuss in Free Thesaurus. 82, atomic wt. Dictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-Thesaurus. To show the way to by going in advance: The host led us to our table. to lead a discussion eine Diskussion führen to lead a life ein Leben führen to lead a list eine Liste anführen to lead a party eine Partei anführenpol. conversation. This is the British English definition of take the lead.View American English definition of take the lead. If you’re on a group hiking trip and the navigator lost the map, you’ll want someone with a good sense of direction to lead … Forum: a meeting featuring a group discussion. Another word for lead off: begin, start, open, set out, kick off | Collins English Thesaurus Find more ways to say lead, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Lead the way, John, and we will follow behind. lead; escort; drive; show; walk; guide; usher; direct; These words all mean to go with somebody from one place to another. ... families, orders, etc. Another word for lead-in. ...'s Discussion Groups Original Rockhounds Discussion Group Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in Español. 1.1 Forme de nom commun; 2 Anglais. Search lead and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. conference. take to go with somebody from one place to another, for example in order to show them something or to show them the way to a place: It’s too far to walk—I’ll take you by car. See also main entry: lead See also main entry: lead Thesaurus Trending Words. See also main entry: lead See also main entry: lead Thesaurus Trending Words. (especially in sports or other…. Lead vs. 207.2. Apart from this discussion, a visit from you would be always acceptable. To lead means to go in front, or to serve as the leader of a group. debate. 2. How do you use lead in a sentence? discussion. to conduct or escort: lead them out; a heavy bluish-gray metal Not to be confused with: led – past tense of lead: He led them along the path. 9.8%. WORD … This page is within the scope of WikiProject Redirect, a collaborative effort to improve the standard of redirects and their categorization on Wikipedia. Synonyms: colloquy, conference, council… Find the right word. consideration. . Learn more. Explore Thesaurus 4. transitive to cause someone to do something. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. "Led" (which rhymes with "red") is both the past and past participle form of the verb "lead" (which rhymes with "deed"). put off-17.2%. to lead by example mit gutem Beispiel vorangehenidiom to lead in phase in (der) Phase voreilenelectr. Synonyms for discussion. There might be a discussion about this on the talk page . They are … leads synonyms, leads pronunciation, leads translation, English dictionary definition of leads. What are synonyms for lead? Synonyme von lead off. Change your default dictionary to American English. You can also say: "The runner was in the 'lead' for most of the race," meaning the runner was in front of his competitors, or, "He took the 'lead' in fighting the measure," indicating that he directed the fight against the measure. approach, intimate, introduce, make advances, make overtures, pave the way, prepare for, prepare the way, work round to. Join our early testers! 11. All she wanted was to lead a life full of adventure and mystery. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. Who will lead the party in the next election? If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. How to use lead in a sentence. 1 Français. 161 synonyms for chat bot, virtual assistant, -human or -agent. lead off. snowflake. Here’s a list of words that can take the place of leader. lead synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'lead on',lead up to',lead off',leader', definition. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. The past tense of the verb lead is led, not lead.One reason for the confusion might be that a similar verb, read, has an infinitive that’s spelled the same as the past tense.But with lead, that’s not how things are.. argument. It was the ultimate mic drop. Lead can also specifically be used as a verb to describe the action of living (one’s life). 50 Synonyms for “Leader” By Mark Nichol. GRAMMAR . (figurative) I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue. Definition and synonyms of take the lead from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. She spoke in a little surly decided tone, as if her opinion put an end to the matter, and Philip's return closed the discussion. to lead a trump Trumpf ausspielen [Spielkarte]games to lead an army eine Armee anführenmil. SAVED WORDS dictionary. All rights reserved. It is the conductor’s job to lead the orchestra. Some discussions lead to no decision, and should be stopped because of time, or because they have found that a decision requires a different discussion. lead (Pb), (led), Do not confuse this word with the verb led (past tense of lead). Archon: one who presides (informal), or a chief magistrate in Athens in classical times 3. “Yesterday, they lead us astray.” Here’s a quickie. effort to convince; presentation of support. pick up. Led: An Overview Many writers think that the word lead is pronounced to rhyme with red and is used as the past tense or past participle of the verb lead (pronounced leed).They are wrong. : My presentation was so successful. Find another word for forum. Synonyms for brings about in Free Thesaurus. guidance synonym, divine-guidance | definition: (theology) a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings | synonyms: cognitive factor, inspiration is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. If you’re on a group hiking trip and the navigator lost the map, you’ll want someone with a good sense of direction to lead … In the course of the discussion, Mr. Lefroy bore testimony to the generally successful working of the Irish poor-law. Guidance synonym. lead someone to do something: He said differences over foreign policy had led him to resign. In this case, lead is a synonym of the verb guide. In each case, the earliest published name is called the senior synonym, while the later name is the junior synonym. 3. a. To serve as a route for; take: The path led them to a cemetery. Liens externes modifiés [modifier le wikicode] Bonjour aux contributeurs, Je viens de modifier 1 lien(s) externe(s) sur lead. ‘No droning or monotonous lectures, the professor's job is to lead and move the discussion.’ ‘Paddy, who is one of the original Folk Choir now leads the group and has given wonderful commitment in trying to keep the group together for a number of years.’ ‘She leads singing groups for boys and girls, teaching them traditional songs.’ Lead definition is - to guide on a way especially by going in advance. Affichages. pick up. See Synonyms at guide. See more. ... to lead a discussion. Synonyms for lead in Free Thesaurus. Whatever rocks your boat! The fact that people still disagree is not a reason to keep the discussion open. He didn't know how to begin. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. open. palaver. very-14.0%. Definition and synonyms of take the lead from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Discussion:lead. Discussion; Variantes. To lead means to go in front, or to serve as the leader of a group. Die Lead User-Methode ist ein Prozess, bei dem ein Anbieter versucht, Lead User gezielt in die Produktentwicklung einzubeziehen. ; Lead is a common misspelling of the past tense of the verb lead. For a more advanced search, use the the forum search. put off-17.2%. There might be a discussion about this on the talk page . The verb to "lead" means guide, direct, or bring to a conclusion. 2.1 Forme de verbe 1; 2.2 Forme de nom commun 1; 2.3 Forme de verbe 2; 2.4 Forme de nom commun 2; 2.5 Prononciation. chat, colloquy, conversation, converse, dialogue. forum. And this is all that is necessary as a preliminary to the discussion of just profits. govern . put off-11.8%. lead - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. While all these words mean "to direct in a course or show the way to be followed," lead implies showing the way and often keeping those that follow under control and in order. symposium. controversy. This is the British English definition of lead to.View American English definition of lead to. Synonyms: lead on, guide, show the way, point the way, point, more... Collocations: lead by example, contains [high, low] levels of lead , wear a lead [vest, jacket], more... Forum discussions with the word(s) "lead… Antonyms for lead. See more. Sommaire. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. [transitive, intransitive] lead (something) to be in control of something; to be the leader of something. This is the British English definition of take the lead.View American English definition of take the lead. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. The map will lead you to your destination. The campaign for the ban was led by Greenpeace. 8.6%. Another word for lead. Read on to learn that led is the correct word. This brought a cloud to her face, for she remembered the discussion she had just had with her uncle. Synonyms: set the pace, break ground, lead the way, more... Collocations: lead by example, contains [high, low] levels of lead , wear a lead [vest, jacket], more... Forum discussions with the word(s) "lead" in the title: Your search had over 1000 results, so we are only showing the results that start with the term. Discussion definition, an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate. Administrator: a person with short-term or long-term responsibility — in the latter sense, usually a generic term; also, one given responsibility over an estate 2. Synonyms take take. If the person responsible for the decision feels all viewpoints have been sufficiently aired, they are entirely permitted to end things there. Change your default dictionary to American English. lead synonyms, lead pronunciation, lead translation, English dictionary definition of lead. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. [Fig.] thesaurus. Alice concluded not to honor the other girl by bringing her into the discussion. Define leads. All she wanted was to lead a life full of adventure and mystery. to lead a discussion synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'lead on',lead up to',lead off',leader', definition. Word of the Day: ruckus. beguile, deceive, draw on, entice, inveigle, lure, seduce, string along (informal) tempt. Chatbot listing, virtual agents, virtual assistants, chat bot directory, conversational agents, virtual human news, chatterbot list. Example 4: Please allow me to lead this discussion. convention. Word of the Day: bulbous. Übersetzung Englisch-Französisch für lead im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Print or Cut-and-Paste your Lead Specimen Label here : Lead . Antonyms for lead. 1. meeting. What Are All Of The Different Names For Santa Claus? You can complete the list of synonyms of to lead a discussion given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. snowflake. leads synonyms, leads pronunciation, leads translation, English dictionary definition of leads. “Lead” can be a present tense verb that can mean “to guide,” “to direct operations,” or “to go through.” It rhymes with “seed.” Examples: It’s your turn to lead the discussion in our conversation class. Example 5: His mother was always in the lead of the gardening competitions. E.g. lead meaning: 1. to control a group of people, a country, or a situation: 2. round table. to lead a team/group; to lead an expedition/a discussion; Inspector Sam Roland is leading the investigation. All Free. Lead definition: If you lead a group of people, you walk or ride in front of them. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More . In the kitchen the discussion was going on in less guarded terms. to conduct or escort: lead them out; a heavy bluish-gray metal Not to be confused with: led – past tense of lead: He led them along the path. Classroom discussions create an opportunity for teachers to lead a class through a subject and build upon students' knowledge. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. discussion-section | definition: a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately | synonyms: class, form, section, grade, course| antonyms: inelegance, angularity, roundness, crookedness, straightness . 36.1%. lead definition: 1. to control a group of people, a country, or a situation: 2. Lead vs. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . Word of the Day: ruckus. Explore 'lead off' in the dictionary (Partikelverb ) in the sense of begin. 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