The diabetes specialist nursing team provide education for residents of North Manchester. Meanwhile in Manchester, person gets soaked by car on 12:03 - Dec 9 with 822 views: Superblue95: Someone did that to me a few years ago on my way to college, I could clearly hear the car speed up when it saw I was going to be walking past the puddle as they passed. Find out more . With my expertise in CVD/diabetes research, I was invited to join a group developing a GM diabetes strategy in 2016. You can find helpful information here: Forgot Password? At the same time, it provides registered users living with type 2 diabetes with information, access to their own GP data, accredited education and a personalised diabetes dashboard. See FAQs. Read more. Show me more. HOME MY DIABETES INFORMATION LOCAL SERVICES INVOLVEMENT REGISTER ABOUT US NEWS FEEDBACK Manchester City Council offer support for individuals Caring for Someone. Contact: For information on course venues across Manchester or to find out more please contact the Expert Patients Programme Team on 0161 371 2105 or email . People across Greater Manchester with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) can now register for our cognitive development platform through ‘Diabetes My Way’, the new free website and app born as a part of the GM Diabetes MyWay (GDMW) project, one of seven Test Beds from Wave 2 of the NHS England’s Test Bed funding programme. My Diabetes My Way (MDMW) is the National Health Service (NHS) Scotland website for people with diabetes and their carers. Have a look at the GM Health Hub website which has lots of great resources to support people across Greater Manchester to stop smoking. Diabetes My Way. See more... 0% Complete. my mhealth: myDiabetes. Get in touch with the Diabetes UK team in the North of England. Diabetes UK groups offer people living with diabetes a chance to meet and share experiences with others. CONCLUSION: My Diabetes My Way is a useful tool aid to diabetes self-management. My Diabetes My Way. Where to get support; Where to get support. These groups offer people living with diabetes a chance to meet and share experiences with others. If we show that digital interventions work at scale across GM (including in ethnic minority groups and socially deprived individuals) then the NHS could justify extending the system across the whole NHS. NHS Services; Community Services; Peer Support; Healthcare Professionals. It is free and easy to use, with up to date trusted information and secure access to your diabetes health record. For information on Diabetes My Way, a home of online support for people with diabetes, please view the below poster: Diabetes My Way; Important - Please be aware that the the practice will be closed ... Ladybarn Court 28 Ladybarn Lane Fallowfield Manchester M14 6WP Map. My Results My Labs My Lifestyle Home Recordings Goal Setting. It allows people with diabetes to access their own medical data and receive personalised advice and has links to over 200 peer-reviewed … It consists of an interactive information website and an electronic personal health record (ePHR) available to the 291,981 people with diabetes in Scotland. Through this website, you can register to gain secure access to your diabetes-related health records and receive tailored advice and information created by NHS experts in diabetes. Chinese Health Information Centre aims to provide a unique, professional and quality service to local Chinese and South East Asian Communities in the areas of health and social wellbeing. Diabetes My Way. MyDiabby Healthcare est l'application diabète connectée à votre équipe médicale habituelle. These are the eLearning courses that are available to you via Diabetes My Way. Other national and regional Diabetes UK offices. Residents of Central and South Manchester can be referred by a health care professional to the Nutrition and Dietetics department which including a specialist dietitian and a nutrition specialist nurse. The NHS England and Innovate UK funded initiative makes diabetes support available from a range of providers any time, anywhere via a one-stop shop web platform, Greater Manchester Diabetes My Way. NHS Diabetes experts have developed a new app and website for those seeking help. The videos have been produced to help prevent Type 2 diabetes and further reduce the risk of complications in people living with Type 2 diabet… The centre allows individuals access to diabetes specialist nurses, dietitians, podiatrists and medical staff who offer help and support and promote self-management with the aim of reducing diabetes-related complications. Free. Welcome to the My Diabetes My Way eLearning suite. Off. My Diabetes My Way: the practicalities of implementing an interactive diabetes website ... We are currently developing many new forums to take place in Manchester, Birmingham, York, Bristol, Leicester, London, Leeds, Cambridge and Stirling. Welcome to My Diabetes My Way The NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends. specialise in short city walks around urban parks and along canals. Sign up to our newsletter for a round-up of news. But the turning point was when I found out I had Type 1 diabetes: it tipped my world upside down. There are loads of open/green spaces within both cities along rivers, canals, on reclaimed industrial land and in parks. Sign in to My Diabetes My Way. ... Manchester M3 5BQ; 0844 247 1850; Subscribe. Leave this field empty if you're human: You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, to help you manage your condition more effectively. Learn To Live Well With Diabetes - Attend An NHS Recognised Information Session Hosted By Diabetes Nurses And Specialist Dietitians To Help You Take Control Of Your Diabetes. Once you choose which course you'd like to take you will be asked to fill out a registration form. The Expert Patient’s Programme is a free course that supports individuals with long term health conditions. 0/48 Steps. Manchester Carers Network aim to help improve carers’ health and wellbeing. Scotland’s Improvement Service gives stamp of Digital ID approval to the Yoti app. helps people living with long term health conditions to increase their levels of physical activity in a safe and structured environment. They can give you and your family advice on how to look after your feet and what type of shoes to wear. It provides reliable and accurate information and resources to help you manage your condition more effectively. Podiatrists are healthcare professionals who have been trained to diagnose and treat abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs. Indian Senior Citizens Centre provides day Support Services for elderly Indians (50yrs+). Node Id . The SCN are led by the GMHSC Partnership. That doesn't mean they just walk round streets and pavements. GM My Diabates My Way digital app which will launch at the end of April. Diabetes UK have a dedicated webpage for activity across North of England including information on the diabetes support groups in your area. Greater Manchester Diabetes My Way will play a key role in making that vision a reality. specialist diabetes nursing team in South Manchester, Diabetes UK chat: Your friends in the North, Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust, physical activity referral service (PARS). Website: Diabetes My Way has been fully live and operational in Greater Manchester since February 2020 and provides information, advice, and e-learning. My Reports My Data Trend 15 Care Measures Clinical Info Home Records Food Diary. My Clinic Appointments Clinic Letters. MDMW supports the diabetes improvement, self-management, healthcare quality and eHealth strategies of the Scottish Government. If you live in Central Manchester your GP can refer you to the podiatry department. They are all run by volunteers and typically meet on a monthly basis, often with a speaker on a topic like diet or exercise. In Greater Manchester there are almost 150 000 people diagnosed with diabetes. Numéro 1 en France avec plus de 230 hôpitaux qui suivent leurs patients grâce à myDiabby grâce à la télémédecine. Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust offers a range of psychological services to residents of Greater Manchester. My Diabetes My Way. Welcome to Diabetes My Way! Below is a list of organisations and groups for information and support: NHS Choices - diabetes; Diabetes UK - the leading UK charity supporting people with diabetes, get in touch for answers, support or to talk to somebody who knows about diabetes, call 0345 123 2399 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm or email This website has been created for people with diabetes and those at risk living in Greater Manchester. MyDesmond. Diabetes My Way (DMW) offers a new one-stop website to help people living with diabetes in Greater Manchester to manage their condition more effectively. It takes place over six weekly sessions which are once a week for 2.5 hours at local venues throughout Manchester. Continuing professional development courses, University institutions Open to the public. Help BEAT Diabetes is part of the Research for the Future family, an NHS campaign encouraging people in Manchester and across the rest of Greater Manchester to get involved in health research. Six months later he began working with the My Diabetes My Way project. Free. GM Diabetes My Way: evaluating the impact of Digital Interve... GM Diabetes My Way: evaluating the impact of Digital Interventions for diabetes across Greater Manchester, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Gastroenterology (L5), Undergraduate open days, visits and fairs, Postgraduate research open days and study fairs. My Diabetes My Way is our flagship product. Coronavirus; TREND UK HCP Resources; Key Patient Resources; Enabling Records Access; Contact us . My Diabetes My Way is our flagship product. It is only possible to better understand diabetes and bring about improvements in its prevention, treatment and care through research. Many of the resources have been updated during the pandemic with specific advice, guidance and information relating to coronavirus. You'll find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. Be part of the change and help develop medicines for the future. Feeling overwhelmed by all diabetes info out there - get free, simple and practical advice from the … Brian now handles the public information side of the project as well as any patient correspondence and all social media outlets of My Diabetes My Way. They work closely with a range of professionals who specialise in different aspects of diabetes care. This will allow us to track your progress throughout the course and let your healthcare team know when you are finished. aim is to help improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities in Manchester, to help individuals and families live fuller, healthier, happier and longer lives. I promoted the idea of providing all patients with diabetes across GM (n=160,000) with access to their electronic healthcare record and to high quality information about diabetes through an IT system: My Diabetes My Way. The Leicester Diabetes Centre and Centre for Black and Minority Ethnic Health have produced videos for people living with Type 2 Diabetes in other languages. Contact us. It gives patients access to … JDRF One Walk® Join more than 900,000 people who come together to raise funds and walk to change the future for the millions of people with T1D. While working under Scott Cunningham and Massimo Brillante, Brian has gained a lot of knowledge about My Diabetes My Way project and also about diabetes itself. Location 75 Ladybarn Lane, Fallowfield, Manchester, M14 6YL Map. The Greater Manchester Diabetes My Way website is a free NHS-led website designed to support you if you're living with diabetes and to help you self-manage your condition. Diabetes My Way has been fully live and operational in Greater Manchester since February 2020 and provides information, advice, and e-learning. Help for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, based on clinical guidelines. My Screening Eyes Feet. The MyWay platform has been commissioned in different parts of the UK. Accessible from home you’ll need a laptop/computer, smartphone or tablet. My Diabetes My Way Communication Platform Jan 2014 – Jan 2014 Diabetes is becoming increasingly common with NHS annual spending predicted to increase from £9.8 billion to £16.9 billion over the next 25 years (17% of the entire NHS budget). It is a multi-award winning online self-management platform for people with diabetes. The specialist diabetes nursing team in South Manchester runs a wide range of nurse-led clinics offering treatment and support in the community for patients with diabetes. Find a group close to you. Login. Manchester Carers Centre deliver a range of FREE, high quality support services for unpaid Carers in our City. For individuals who live in South Manchester the podiatry department can provide a comprehensive range of general podiatry and specialist clinics designed to reduce foot problems and improve mobility by early intervention and management. ... Diabetes My Way Poster. £39.99. Join their peer support group on Facebook Diabetes UK chat: Your friends in the North. The Sugar Group is a support group for people living with diabetes, supporting you to live well with your condition. Their goal is to transform diabetes care globally through solutions that deliver data-driven knowledge and advice to patients and healthcare professionals.