96. I was disgusted when I went to attend my child's fieldtrip. No cancer ran in the family till my parents and then us kids. The site was originally operated by the Atlas Powder Company during World War II from 1941 to 1945 to produce explosives. If you're going to try to educate people, learn about it yourself first. Waiting to see what VA is going to say. [2] The site has been divided into several parcels, and ownership has transferred over the years. These operations resulted in nitroaromatic contamination of soil, sediments, and some off-site springs. The Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Processing Plant was cre-ated by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1956 on the site of the World War II-era Weldon Spring Ordnance Works. United Nuclear Corp., 1958-2011, HematiteWeldon Spring Plant, 1955-1966, 1985-2002, Weldon Spring. The Fernald Plant, operated by National Lead of Ohio (NLO), along with the Weldon Spring Plant in Missouri, were feed materials plants built by the AEC in the 1950s to supply fuel to the increasing number of nuclear reactors located at Hanford and Savannah River. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant dated January 1959 April 1942. In 1966, the uranium plant ceased operation. Incidentally, the top of the Weldon Spring waste disposal cell is the highest point in St. Charles County. The AEC constructed the Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant at this location and contracted with the Mallinckrodt Chemical Company to operate the plant … I have personally gone on ruck marches looking for remains of it. [2][3] The DOE legacy management web site has additional documentation on the status of the site.[6]. Phase I/II/III environmental investigations, and remediation of leaking underground storage tanks, and hazardous waste spills. … Possibly the world's dullest tourist attraction... Maybe you need to think before you comment. I imagine your aunt may have stayed in the lodging there, but beyond that, I don't know. I am and many of them are .. one of them died in an explosion at another site. Visitors can also visit the 9,000-square-foot interpretive center housed in a building at the base of the cell that was once used to check workers for radioactivity. [2], On July 14, 1989, the United States Environmental Protection Agency proposed adding the Weldon Spring Ordnance Works to the National Priorities List. The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)in Kansas City was one of the main contributors to the remediation (cleanup) of the site. Just curious. The former Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant (1957-66) used many types of industrial chemicals and laboratory reagents. The Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant, operated by Mallinckrodt Chemical Works of St. Louis, processed raw uranium ore into “yellow cake,” or concentrated ore which was shipped to other sites. All Rights Reserved. A small patch of land – about 2,000 acres - was retained by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Cancer was very common among my classmates. The Plant processed raw uranium ore into “yellow cake,” or concentrated ore that was shipped to other sites. The Weldon Spring Quarry was mined for limestone aggregate used in construction of the ordnance works. After crushing, the ore is treated with acid in large tanks, to separate the uranium from other minerals in the rock. I went for the first time today, and one thing that ran thru my mind, of all the people that cleaned it up, are there any still alive? [3] These contaminants have been identified in soil at several areas on the site, and TNT was detected in 1987 in surface water downstream of the lagoons. Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project - Department of Energy Site. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, as © Amusing Planet, 2020. The site was officially listed on February 21, 1990. The Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant; The Weldon Spring Site Interpretive Center is located on Highway 94 just south of Highway 40. They were immediately evacuated. Shrouded in secrecy, the greatest brain trust in history had undertaken to release the enormous energy of the atom for the defense of the free world. At the time it was still a dilapidated refinery we called the equadome or something like that. The Army also used the quarry for burning wastes from explosives manufacturing and disposal of TNT-contaminated rubble during operation of the ordnance works. Some of the old government building were used for many years as classrooms and offices. Yeah, looking at you, crazy person who went there on a field trip. Mallinckrodt, Inc. operated the plant from 1957 to 1966 under a contract with the AEC. It is possible that a great number of people in the St. Charles area were exposed to these and other materials over the years. Green River; uranium mill tailings Green River, Utah 98. Office Manager Karen Hillman. Couldn't say if they are on some other water source yet. In the 1930s, Weldon Spring was isolated from the greater St. Louis area due to the Missouri River. Weldon Spring Chemical Plant Weldon Spring Ordnance Works (WSOW) was a 17,323-acre (70.10 km 2) U.S. Government -owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) facility in St. Charles County, Missouri, 55 km west of St. Louis. What about the thorium processing? Toonerville has its start as a roadside gas station whose owner included the image of a popular comic in his sign. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant workers pose with 3,000-pound direct ingot (also known as a "dingot"). Weldon Spring, Missouri (1,185 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Commission built a uranium ore processing plant on the 2,000 remaining acres. Big things were being done quietly in those days. Shame on you, asshole. Facility Description: In 1955, the U.S. Department of the Army (Army) transferred 217 acres of what had been the Weldon Springs Ordnance Works to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) for construction of a uranium feed materials plant. [2] Mallinckrodt, Inc. operated the plant from 1957 to 1966 under a contract with the AEC. Im sure that whole are is still contaminated to a point. Employment at any time between Jan. 1, 1942 and Dec. 31, 1971 in the transport of uranium ore or vanadium-uranium ore by truck, rail, or barge, from a mine or mill (or buying station, upgrader, concentrator facility, or pilot plant) located in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, South Dakota, Washington, Utah, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, and/or Texas. A uranium mill is a chemical plant designed to extract uranium from the ore. There are many free (and much more interesting) places to take our children that pose NO POSSIBLE THREAT. No cancer yet, but one brother died from diabetes, a sister from breast cancer and complications of an immune disease, and my other sister also had breast cancer. Left behind was a large area of Low Level radioactive waste and Tri Nitro Toluene (TNT, explosives). The Weldon Spring Site remains under the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy, which continues to conduct surface and groundwater tests throughout the area. Completed in 2001, the mountainous structure covers 45 acres and stores 1.5 million cubic yards of hazardous material. My brother who passed lived next to the project manager that that managed that site for the clean up. Charles County, where Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant was located. You can file a Freedom of Information Act request with the ACOE to obtain more info. It provided jobs for myself and many others in St. Charles county for a lot of years. Both facilities took yellowcake and processed it into orange and brown oxide, then to green salt, and finally into highly purified uranium metal. (AEC) in 1956 for construction of the Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant now referred to as the Weldon Spring Chemical Plant. [1] Four TNT and two DNT production lines were situated on what was to be the Chemical Plant. A massive factory was erected to manufacture TNT and DNT in order to supply Allied troops in the Word War II. Female employee of Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant. The largest explosives factory in America once stood on land just south of Weldon Spring, Missouri. The processing plant operated until 1966. Waste lagoons were filled with thousands of gallons of water contaminated with radioactive wastes and heavy industrial metals. The locomotive was buried at Weldon springs. In 1984, the Army repaired several of the buildings at the Chemical Plant, decontaminated some of the floors, walls, and ceilings, and isolated some equipment. A small amount of thorium also was processed. The Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant, operated by Mallinckrodt Chemical Works of St. Louis, processed raw uranium ore into “yellow cake,” or concentrated ore which was shipped to other sites. The site was abandoned in the late 1960s. Today, Weldon Spring draws thousands of curious visitors each year. Weldon Spring Quarry/plant/pits (USDOE/ARMY) 7: Missouri: St. Charles: NPL: FINAL Department of Energy: Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant: 7: Nebraska: Grand Island: NPL: FINAL US Army: Air Force Plant Pjks: 8: Colorado: Littleton: NPL: FINAL US Air Force: Rocky Flats Plant (USDOE) 8: Colorado: Golden: NPL: FINAL Department of Energy: Rocky Mountain Arsenal (USARMY) 8: Colorado: Adams … Government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) facility in St. Charles County, Missouri, 55 km west of St. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant produced yellow cake uranium ore. Uranium MillingRefining ConversionEnrichmentFuel Manufacturing After mining, uranium ore is transported to a nearby mill for processing. U.S. Department of Energy (Public Domain) To take children to such a place is bad enough, then to leave out that it is a nuclear waste dump for parents to make an educated decision on whether their kids should go...just wrong. By 1959, with the majority of the site already transferred out of government hands, 1,655 acres (6.70 km2) was redeveloped as for the U.S. Army Reserve as the Weldon Spring Training Area. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant workers pose with 3,000-pound direct ingot (also known as a "dingot"). 5/5. Weldon Spring, Missouri. Apr 15, 2019 uranium conversion after the uranium ore concentrate is produced at the mill (where it becomes uranium oxide or yellow cake ), it is packaged in 55 gallon drums and sent to the uranium conversion plant. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant produced yellow cake uranium ore. In 1966, the plant closed and remained abandoned for 20 years. Operations at the Mallinckrodt Destrehan Street facility in St. Louis end. Nothing left except foundations and two of the power stations that used to operate are still standing along the main strip. construction of the Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant, now referred to as the Weldon Spring Chemical Plant. Hundreds of homes, businesses, churches, schools and any other buildings in the area were either demolished or burned and within a few months the three towns ceased to exist. The Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant, operated Mallinkrodt Chemical Works of St. Louis produced raw uranium ore into " yellow cake ", or concentrated ore that is then shipped to other countries. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant, circa 1957. WELDON SPRING PLANT; WELDON SPRING RAFFINATE PITS; Savannah River Resource Center. A friend of mine who used to work for Mallinckrodt during the time they were managing the uranium concentration and milling plant said that you could walk out at night to the many unsealed settling ponds and see them glowing from the radioactive materials they contained. This is known as the Golden Triangle. Table Data Last Modified: 12/12/2020 1 DOL pulled (withdrew) case from NIOSH and dose reconstruction due to claimant request, claimant death without a known survivor, or insufficient employment or medical information.. 2 NIOSH pulled case from dose reconstruction and returned it to DOL for Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) consideration.. 3 Draft dose reconstruction report completed. Weldon Spring Plant site information. By 1963, the plant started receiving enriched uranium from Oak Ridge, and workers were warned that passing the enriched material over other enriched material could set off an explosion. I grew up in the area and everyone I know that did has had serious health issues or dead at an early age. [1] Part of the original property is still used by the Army Reserve as the Weldon Spring Training Area. army still disposes of hazardous waste. This 217-acre site has a history of explosives production, uranium feed materials plant and raffinate pit storage areas. If you have nothing nice to say, then shut-it!God help you, you cannot help how you are. The Weldon Spring site transferred to the former U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Program on October 1, 2002, and to the DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM) in December 2003. The ponds were sited over a karst area that allowed the ground water to be contaminated which my friend said caused the surrounding populated area to exhibit a 4x higher cancer rate than elsewhere. I don't know if this will ever get read as it seems it has been awhile since the last comment. Document No. Get a round-up of all our stories published during the past week delivered to your email every Saturday. In 1956, 217 acres of the former ordnance works property was transferred to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) for construction of the Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant, later called the Weldon Spring Chemical Plant. 4/5. Following a considerable amount of environmental remediation of the facility by the U.S. Army and the Atlas Powder Company, 205 acres (83 ha) of the former ordnance works were transferred to the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1955 for construction of the Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant, now referred to as the Weldon Spring Chemical Plant. construction of the Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant, now referred to as the Weldon Spring Chemical Plant. She is dead now so it would be the great grand kids I guess. A viewing platform on top of the disposal cell is the highest accessible point in St. Charles County and a nearby interpretive center tells the story of this former WWII TNT facility and Cold War era uranium processing plant. This guy went around the country and cleaned up (Covered up) the mess the government has made of our community. From 1957 to 1966, Mallinckrodt processed uranium there under contract with the Atomic Energy Commission. I used to do my field training for the Army Reserves here. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant produced yellow cake uranium ore. In 1985, the Army transferred full custody of the Chemical Plant to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), at which time the DOE designated control and decontamination of the Chemical Plant, raffinate pits, and Quarry as a major project. [2] The site includes the 51-acre (0.21 km2) disposal area, the 169-acre (0.68 km2) abandoned Uranium Feed Materials Plant, various smaller properties, and the 9-acre (0.036 km2) former limestone quarry located 4 miles from the plant. The official name of this site is the Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project (WSSRAP). Uranium Ore Concentration Plant. This is no panic just facts. Some samples at Department of Energy sampling wells continue to test positive for thorium and uranium, in some cases more than 15 times the maximum contamination level for public drinking water set by the EPA. With the history of improper transportation used in the transfer of materials to and from Weldon Spring and the known improper transportation used in the transfer of materials to West Lake Landfill, it is not only reasonable to suspect but probable that the area around St. Compensation: As of 06/07/2015, the total compensation paid under Parts B and E of the EEOICPA, including medical compensation, for workers suffering from the effects of having worked at the Uranium Mill in Riverton is $0. I worked with the Army Corps of Engineers back in the early to mid 90's, while the site was being investigated. Worksites located in jurisdiction. Refining: Fernald and Weldon Spring; (natural, depleted, and enriched uranium reactor fuel and targets); Oak Ridge Y-12 (weapon parts and highly enriched reactor fuel); Oak Ridge K-25, Paducah, and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants (production of UF 6 feed) Uranium: Oak Ridge K-25; Paducah; and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants Put that on a plaque up there! It seems that the govt used, and contaminated many areas in and around the St. Louis area, I grew up in North County within a few blocks of cold water creek in Berkeley. I witnessed the glowing ponds of water. A small amount of thorium was also processed. Energy Fuels Inc. plans to fulfill its delivery contracts with stockpiled uranium and uranium purchased on the spot market, allowing it to discontinue current U 3 O 8 production at the White Mesa Mill beginning in August 2014 until the latter half of 2015, at which time the mill is expected to re-commence processing alternate feed materials. Uranium Mill in Riverton is listed as a Department of Energy (DOE) site under the EEOICPA. [3] Areas of concern include seven unlined lagoons where TNT wastewater was stored, TNT production lines, two DNT production lines, drainage ditches below TNT production lines, and eight areas where explosive wastes were burned. Get Price. [1] The Atomic Energy Commission acquired part of the property in 1955, and Mallinckrodt, Inc. processed uranium ore from 1957 to 1966 under contract. An additional 14.88 acres (6.02 ha) were transf… I went to high school next door to this structure. I didnt know about this project until recently though. No one in my family knows any information, I have looked up Atlas Powder Company and have come to a dead end. An additional 14.88 acres were transferred to AEC in 1964. Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant produced yellow cake uranium ore. [2] The quarry is located .75 miles (1.21 km) from the St. Charles County well field, which is used as a drinking water source for approximately 70,000 people. Pantex Plant Amarillo, Tex. they ran with no permits as is typical army standard according to him but didn't find out the true hazards of his trip till he arrived.. why put our soldiers and civilians at risk.. what if something happened and his about was he didn't know the hazards of his load until he arrived in Weldon springs. A small amount of thorium also was processed. Last updated May 25, 2017 Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project - Department of Energy Site. The Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Mill Plant, operated by Mallinckrodt Chemical Works of St. Louis, did not produce weapons grade uranium, as is often thought, but instead processed raw uranium ore into “yellow cake,” or concentrated ore which was shipped to other sites. The plant converted processed uranium ore concentrates to pure uranium trioxide, intermediate compounds, and uranium metal. The AEC closed the plant in December 1966 after deciding it was obsolete. Negligible radiation levels. The first step is to crush the ore and mix it with water so that it can move through a series of mill circuits. [3] Contaminated areas are spread throughout the site, with the greatest concentration in the Training Area. The processing plant operated until 1966. {{posts[0].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[1].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[2].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[3].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, The Camouflaged Military Bunkers of Switzerland, Bolton Strid: A Stream That Swallows People, The Fake Dome of The Church of St. Ignatius, Anatoli Bugorski: The Man Who Stuck His Head Inside a Particle Accelerator, ‘Log House’ Like Cocoon of The Bagworm Moth. 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